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formal assessment中文是什么意思

用"formal assessment"造句"formal assessment"怎么读"formal assessment" in a sentence


  • 正式评估


  • Safety levels for any pesticide are calculated over a number of formal assessments
  • 1 . 265 billion was received during the year in advance of the issue of formal assessments
    本局于本年度在未发出正式评税前已先收到税款合共12 . 65亿元
  • 1 . 208 billion was received during the year in advance of the issue of formal assessments
    本局于本年度在未发出正式评税前已先收到税款合共12 . 08亿元
  • A team comprising hkas officers and technical assessors will carry out the formal assessment
  • He demands that spies submit formal assessments highlighting the strengths , weaknesses and credibility of sources
  • Major examinations or other formal assessments occur after three of four years of high school and , at this point , most students are old enough to leave the system
  • This includes satisfactory completion of prior studies ( which must include formal assessment ) , at post secondary level , or the production of a substantial workplace report demonstrating satisfactory analytical and writing skills
    这包括高等教育之课程的圆满完成(必须有正式的考核) ,或者提供实际工作报告等以证明具有相当的分析和写作能力。
  • Is payable on delivery of an estate duty affidavit or account or within 6 months from the date of the deceaseds death , whichever is the earlier , 894 million was received during the year in advance of the issue of formal assessments
    遗产税须在递交遗产税申报誓章时缴纳(或在死者去世后6个月内缴纳,以较早者为准) ,因此,本局于本年度在未发出正式评税前已先收到付款合共8 . 94亿元(
  • Is payable on delivery of an estate duty affidavit or account ( or within 6 months from the date of the deceased s death , whichever is the earlier ) , $ 866 million was received during the year in advance of the issue of formal assessments (
    13 , 832须在递交遗产税申报誓章时缴纳(或在死者去世后6个月内缴纳,以较早为准) ,所以,本局于本年度在未发出正式评税前已先收到税款合共8 . 66亿元(
  • As estate duty is payable on delivery of an estate duty affidavit or account or within 6 months from the date of the deceased s death , whichever is the earlier , 1 , 676 million was received during the year in advance of the issue of formal assessments
    由于遗产税须在递交遗产申报誓章时缴纳(或在死者去世后6个月内缴纳,以较早者为准) ,因此,本局于本年度在未发出正式评税前已先收到税款合共16 . 76亿元(
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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